Fifty Percent Open Pallet Rack Decking
ProDeck50 Punched Steel Decking 2ProDeck50 Punched Steel Pallet Rack DeckingProDeck50 50 Percent Open Pallet Rack DeckingProDeck50 50 Percent Open Pallet Rack Decking 2Fifty Percent Open Plank Decking Close Up PicFifty Percent Open Rack Deck Feature 1Prodeck50 Pallet Rack Decking PicFifty Percent Open Pallet Rack Decking ini Pallet RackFifty Percent Open Pallet Rack Decking Sets Flush with Beam50 Open Pallet Rack Plank Decking50 Percent Open Punch DeckingPerforated Steel Rack Deck Side View50 Percent Open Metal Plank Decking for RetailFifty Percent Open Pallet Rack Decking for RetailVersaDeck Pallet Rack Decking

Fifty Percent Open Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking For Fire Safety

20 GA PRODECK50 Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking Sizes:

20.375″ d. (FOR 24″ DEEP RACK) x 24″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,900 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 5.3 LBS. PN. NDPD502424A20H

32.375″ d. (FOR 36″ DEEP RACK) x 24″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 2,400 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 8.4 LBS. PN. NDPD503624A20H

32.375″ d. (FOR 36″ DEEP RACK) x 30″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,950 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Weight: 10.6 LBS. PN. NDPD503630A20H

38.375″ d. (FOR 42″ DEEP RACK) x 24″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,750 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 10.1 LBS. PN. NDPD504224A20H. ***MOST POPULAR SIZE FOR 42″ DEEP x 96″ WIDE SHELF.

38.375″ d. (FOR 42″ DEEP RACK) x 30″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,700 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 12.6 LBS. PN. NDPD504230A20H

44.375″ d. (FOR 48″ DEEP RACK) x 24″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,150 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 11.6 LBS. PN. NDPD50482420AH

44.375″ d. (FOR 48″ DEEP RACK) x 30″ w. x 20 GA PRODECK50 (50% Open) Punched Steel Pallet Rack Decking. New. 1,450 LBS cap./ pc. (UDL). Galvanized Finish. Wt.: 14.5 LBS. PN. NDPD50483020AH

SPECIAL NOTES: FOB: Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, CA. Punched open metal decking has a flush fit design that fits into standard 1-5/8″ step beams. Often used to replace wire decking in pallet rack system. You’ll need (4) – 24″ wide pieces on a standard 96″ beam level. **All stock material is currently being built for a 1.75” top of beam. For a 1.625” top of beam, we recommend a ¼” deeper deck (16-18 week lead-time). We are able to store approximately 140 PCS one a pallet.

ProDeck50 50% open punched steel deck is specifically designed for pallet rack, bulk rack, boltless steel shelving! Fifty percent open pallet rack decking is flat, smooth and has a non flammable open design that allows for full coverage from overhead sprinkler systems. The biggest advantage is that it meets NFPA fire safety requirements and keeps you in compliance with Fire Marshall codes and Insurance Companies regulations.

Our OpenDeck60 rack decking is the most versatile fifty percent open shelf deck in the Material Handling Industry! Offering a flat smooth surface that is great for storing small boxes and has a 50% open area for Fire Safety. This perforated deck is NFPA approved because it allows sprinklers to operate at full capacity soaking all levels and helping prevent fires.

50 percent open pallet rack decking is versatile and has many advantages. it’s flat, smooth, strong, doesn’t tear up boxes and doesn’t catch shirt sleeves. It is close to being the perfect pallet rack decking. In a world of wire decking, punch deck and bar grating, ProDeck50 has certainly found it’s niche of the market. Our 50 percent open decking is more versatile and can do things other decks cannot.

Fifty percent open pallet rack decking is stronger than wire decking.  Heavy applications have been known to destroy wire decking – making it look like it was ran over by a truck. Our 50% open decking is strong and doesn’t use tek screws that are used with punch decking. Punched corrugated decking can require 8-12 tek screws per shelf. Installers charge up to $0.25 per tek screw to install. Re-adjusting beam levels with punch deck is also more difficult because you have to unscrew them.

We can get real creative with our plank style decking. We can splice decks together to create very large shelf spaces – up to 60′ long x 12′ deep. We can design our perforated rack decking to meet your specific needs. We need to know the box/ pallet size, box/ pallet weight and how you handle your boxes and pallets. Competitors sometimes quote the lightest capacity based on UDL (uniform distributed load) without considering how pallets and boxes are handled. Sometimes boxes and pallets are slammed or thrown onto shelves. It is important to remember to instruct personnel to set product down on decking and avoid impacts. In decking impact is bad and requires you use greater deck capacity.


Advantages of our ShelfDeck50 50 percent open pallet rack decking:

  • Easy drop in installation.
  • Can drop into pallet rack standard 1-5/8″ step beams or create shelves without beams.
  • High capacity with standard thicknesses from 18-22 GA and up to 14-16 GA for heavy loads.
  • Long lasting, durable, corrosion resistant galvanized finish.
  • 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″, 1-5/8″, 2″ profile available
  • Lengths up to 96″
  • Panel widths from 17-5/8″ to 24-1/2″

TIP FROM THE PRO’S: You’ll need (4) – 24″ wide pieces on a standard 96″ beam level. You’ll need a combination of (2) – 24″ wide and (2) 30″ wide pieces on a standard 108″ beam level.