When choosing which pallet rack system is right for you, you need to consider a few things:
What type of storage density do you need?
How quickly do you move inventory?
How much floor space are you working with?
After you consider these questions, you’ll have a better idea of your pallet racking needs. Check out our full selection of pallet racking types to see which one is the best for your warehouse.

Selective Pallet Rack – This is most popular choice for warehouse racking systems in the world. You’re able to access every pallet from the aisle, and you’ll be able to maximize your storage efficiency with this type of rack. It’s also the least expensive choice. We sell the Interlake Mecalux Pallet Rack, which has become the industry standard, so you know you’re getting a quality system.

Double Deep Pallet Rack – This is an extremely dense storage system. Despite its density, you’re still able to access the pallet from both sides. You can increase your floor space between 60 and 65 percent by using the double deep pallet rack because you reduce the number of aisles you need. This is a cheaper alternative to the drive-in rack. It requires a special 2 deep reach truck.

Very Narrow Aisle-Racking System – This is an ideal system if you need a lot of storage space in the most efficient way. This system works with a wire-guided system, so you’re able to pick products while moving down the aisle. Please note that this system does need special lifting equipment to navigate through the very narrow aisles.

Drive-In Rack – If you’re looking to store a large amount of pallets of the same SKU, then the drive-in rack is right for you. This is an ideal system for storing seasonal items or slow moving items. Because you’re storing slow moving items, you don’t necessarily need a high-efficiency system. You can increase your storage density by up to 75 percent with drive-in racking.

Drive-thru racking: This system is designed to store multiple pallets of the same SKU without the damage of bulk stacking. You’re able to access this from both sides, and you’re able to drive all way through the system.

Pushback rack – This kind of system is essential for any warehouse that has a high pallet turnover. If you need to move pallets quickly due to low profit margins, the push back rack is the ideal system for you. We can design a custom system to fit your needs.

Pallet flow rack – Although this system is more expensive than most, it will more than pay for itself in increased efficiency. If you have high through-put, this system is for you. With this system, your able to have many pallets deep. It offers the purest form of FIFO (First in / first out) storage.
We are committed to providing an efficient, well-designed storage system for you. Get a pallet rack quote today. We’re able to design a rack into almost any configuration you need. Please email us at sales@rackandshelf.com or give us a call at 800-763-9020 to discuss your needs.