Rivet Shelving is Affordable & Easy to Install
Rivet Shelving, also known as boltless shelving, is an open type of shelving that is both economical, strong and allows for easy access from all sides. This is a unique shelving system that doesn’t need sides, back panels or bracing. This makes open rivet shelving ideal for order picking. Our Rivitier brand of boltless shelving … Continue reading Rivet Shelving is Affordable & Easy to Install
Rivet Shelving, also known as boltless shelving, is an open type of shelving that is both economical, strong and allows for easy access from all sides. This is a unique shelving system that doesn’t need sides, back panels or bracing. This makes open rivet shelving ideal for order picking.
Our Rivitier brand of boltless shelving was the “Original boltless shelving”. We introduced it over 40 years ago. It is a product that was born on the West Coast. For many years people on the East Coast would look at you funny if you mentioned boltless shelving systems. It has since become popular the world over.
The biggest advantage to boltless shelving systems is cost savings. They are on average 25% less expensive then steel shelving systems. If you are looking for the most bang for your buck than wide span boltless shelving systems are for you.
Boltless shelving has four primary components: 1. the posts, 2. The beams, 3. the shelf supports, 4. the decking. A free-standing section of rivet shelving requires 4 posts. Add-on sections simply attach to starter units and only require 2 posts because they share common posts. A starter unit and add on units allow you to create rows of boltless open rivet shelving.
We offer different beam profiles for our boltless shelving systems:
- 1. The Double Rivet Beam has a 2.5″ high face and is great for heavier loads and eliminates lateral sway.
- 2. The Single Rivet Beams has less capacity but has a low 1″ h. profile that helps save vertical spacing.
- 3. Z-Beam is a double rivet beam that offers a combination of higher capacity and lower profile. Particle board decking sets flush in z-beam profile.
For most of its history boltless rivet shelving was only available with particle board decking. That is the least expensive alternative and still very popular. But with the advent of Fire Safety requirements we now offer it with wire mesh decking or solid steel decking.
Open rivet shelving is popular for a variety of applications. It is ideal for storing banker’s boxes and archival storage boxes. American’s are obsessed with archiving their history. For these purposes we stock a 69″ wide x 15″ deep (single box) or 30″ deep (double box) boltless shelving unit that is recommended for the storage of banker’s boxes and archive boxes.
Boltless shelving is an ideal backroom shelving for retailers. Many retailers use it to create high density mobile shelving by attaching it to carriages that allow you to condense the rows of shelving together with just one aisle. This reduces amount of square footage for backroom storage and gives more valuable sales and display space at the front of store.
Brick and mortar and online clothing manufacturers and retailers, shoe manufacturers and retailers use it to store light boxes items. It allows them to affordable and densely store, pick and ship goods to their customers.
But as you can guess, boltless shelving is being sold most lately to online retailers out of distribution centers and less out of brick and mortar stores. The Target’s, Walmart’s and Amazon’s of the world are buying more boltless shelving units than ever before.
Boltless tire storage racks are commonly found in auto service centers and tire dealers. You wouldn’t believe how many boltless tire racks we sell between January and March which coincides with spring tire season.
We can even use our boltless rivet shelving to create multi-level (ground + one level) shelving systems that are used as pick modules. Boltless shelving is a much less expensive alternative then creating multi-level shelving units from pallet rack or clip style shelving.