Importance of Wire Mesh Rack Guard Safety Panels
Wire partition rack guard or rack safety panels are designed to prevent items from falling off the back of pallet racks and into aisles, where they can cause damage to equipment or injure workers. These versatile panels, typically installed on the backs and sides of racks, act as a safety barrier by preventing items from … Continue reading Importance of Wire Mesh Rack Guard Safety Panels
Wire partition rack guard or rack safety panels are designed to prevent items from falling off the back of pallet racks and into aisles, where they can cause damage to equipment or injure workers. These versatile panels, typically installed on the backs and sides of racks, act as a safety barrier by preventing items from falling on people and property below.
Rack guard safety panels bolt directly to the back of pallet racks and come in a variety of sizes. Modular panels can be directly flush mounted to the pallet rack or can be offset to allow for pallet overhang.
Some of the reasons to add rack guard safety panels include:
- Cost: Rackback panels are extremely affordable. You’ll be surprised at how inexpensive they are.
- Safety: Rack guard safety panels are made of durable wire mesh, which allows for increased visibility and airflow while standing up to a beating from forklifts.
- Security: Rack guards can help limit access to inventory. This is especially important if you are storing sensitive materials.
- Peace of mind: The use of rackback panels may be required by OSHA and other agencies that mandate the use of safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace.
- Versatility: New and innovative designs can even include things such as swinging gates that lock.
Wire mesh rack guard safety panels are an important safety feature for any warehouse or storage facility. They prevent items from falling off the rack, protect workers, improve visibility, enhance rack stability, and comply with safety regulations. By investing in rack guard safety panels, you can create a better and safer warehouse environment.